UV facemasks for women

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In stock Coolibar - UV Sun Mask for adults - Alverstone - Beige
In stock Coolibar - UV resistant Mask for adults - Blackburn - Beige
In stock Coolibar - UV resistant Layered Mask for adults - Vermilion - Beige
In stock Coolibar - UV Face Mask for adults - Crestone - Beige
In stock Coolibar - UV Fishing Mask for adults - Abacos - Coastal Blue
In stock Coolibar - UV Mask for adults - Blackburn - Navy
In stock Coolibar - UV Face Mask for adults - Crestone - Navy
In stock Coolibar - UV Layered Mask for adults - Vermilion - Navy
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A UV-facemask protects your face from UV-rays. Because even though almost all of us know that we have to protect ourselves well from the sun and we often apply sunscreen to our whole body when we go into the sun, the face is often forgotten. UV-rays are always present. Not only on the most beautiful, hottest beach days. So even if you go for a walk or sit on a terrace you are exposed to UV-rays. And these are the moments that are often forgotten. With a UV-facemask you are optimally protected thanks to the 50+ protection factor.

UV-protective facemask

A UV-protective facemask from Coolibar, for example, provides protection that sunscreen cannot withstand. If you are going to apply sunscreen to your body you should do so at least every two hours. Especially with your face, because the skin is very thin and exposed to the sun. Wearing a facemask will block up to 94% of the UV-rays and you don't have to apply sunscreen at all. Not only does it give you almost perfect protection, it also saves you a lot of effort and sticky hands. Of course it is important to protect the uncovered parts of the body well, so if you don't have any other UV-clothing, apply sunscreen well. But with a UV-protective facemask your face will be fine.

Ordering UV-facemask from UV-Fashions

Ordering a UV-facemask from UV-Fashions is a good move to protect your body against UV-rays. UV-radiation is always and everywhere present. Of course, one day is more intense than the next, but even on the most cloudy, rainy days, UV-radiation is strongly present. So always try to cover or apply sunscreen your body well, to avoid the nasty consequences of too much UV-radiation. For example, we also have UV-resistant umbrellas and gloves. In addition to a UV-facemask, you can also use other accessories to protect your body from UV-radiation.

UV face mask Coolibar

With a UV face mask, you give your face the optimal protection against UV rays. Of course, you have to put on sunscreen on your face, but do you do that at least every two hours? And with the right factor? Unfortunately, it creeps in too quickly not to put on sunscreen or too late, and before you know it, you have burned skin. Not only does that cause a red face, it will disappear after a few days, it causes many negative consequences eventually. Your skin will age faster the more often you are exposed to UV rays. It has even been researched that the younger people have to deal with this, the faster the skin will age. Not to mention the ever-increasing risk of skin cancer. Would you like to know more about this? Read our blogs about preventing and treating sun allergy and what to do if you get sunburned. Make sure you protect yourself and others from the sun's rays. Put on sunscreen regularly and well. And wear a Coolibar UV facial mask.

Buy a UV Coolibar facial mask

Buying a UV face mask at UV-Fashions always means, worldwide fast shipping within 2–3 days at home. And you don't have to stay at home all day to wait for your order, you know. For example, have the parcel delivered to your work or to one of the Pickup Parcel Shops in your area. Then you can pick it up when it suits you. Do you think good UV protection and good service are important? Then you want to buy a UV face mask Coolibar at UV-Fashions.

UV Coolibar face mask and other UV accessories

A UV face mask and other UV accessories can be found in our extensive range. UV-resistant clothing is of course the basis for our shops, but with the right accessories you can make a big difference. UV-Wash, for example. Which you can use to wash 'normal' clothing and then apply a UV-resistant layer to it. Or gloves, sleeves, other UV accessories and of course a UV face mask.